Chubb Arabia Cooperative Insurance Company Board of Directors invites shareholders to attend the extraordinary general assembly meeting (first meeting) at the companys head office in Khobar on Wednesday at 18:30 on 21-8-1438h (17-5-2017) to discuss the following agenda:
Note the Assembly meeting quorum requires the presence of shareholders representing (50%) of capital. Each shareholder has the right to attend the extraordinary general meeting. Shareholders who cannot attend on the scheduled time and want to give proxy to others (other than Board members or company personnel), have to provide copy of the necessary proxies attested by Chamber of Commerce or licensed banks or authorized persons in the kingdom or notary public or persons licensed for attestation activities, at least two days before the meeting date. The delegate must present the original proxy before the assembly meeting. It is necessary for shareholders attending personally or their delegates to present their identity cards.
For inquires please call: 0138493666, fax: 0138493630, Compliance Department. Address: Khobar, King Faisal bin Abdulaziz road, Al Bustan district P.O. box 2685 Khobar 31952.