scott k

"They gave me a tremendous amount of confidence, and I was very grateful for their timely response."

Scott K. | Dallas, TX

At every step, Scott found a partner in Chubb.

From helping Scott with immediate repairs to a treasured watch, to guiding him through remodeling and restoring his home after water damage, Scott has always experienced seamless and thorough care with Chubb.


Chubb’s commitment to responsiveness always ensured Scott experienced the service he needed as soon as possible. Chubb’s expertise also meant Scott had easy access to specialists and resources to make sure the details that mattered most were repaired and restored correctly. And when his kitchen suffered water damage, Chubb’s proactive approach to repairs gave Scott one less thing to worry about as he worked through challenges with building management and contractors.


Whether a small jewelry claim or an extensive kitchen remodeling, Chubb met expectations at every turn.

Claim Details

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Client Stories

Hear stories from clients who experienced the Chubb difference first-hand.
Chris L.
When Chris was hit by a car, Chubb was there to help with the coverage he needed, so he could concentrate on recovering.
Chris L., Vancouver, BC Canada
Clay P
One summer, wildfires threatened to destroy the Pulliam’s home, which has been in the family for almost 80 years.
Clay P. Possum Kingdom, TX
Samantha & Tarik A
There’s never a good time for bad things to happen. But this was especially poor timing. Two separate disasters happened in their home—just one day apart. It was too much; they didn’t know what to do.
Samantha & Tarik A., Alberta, Canada
Randy B
When Randy and his wife experienced a house fire right before Thanksgiving, they were thankful to have Chubb on their side.
Randy B., Fleetwood, NC
Ronald & Noah
"I can’t imagine having any other insurer other than Chubb."
Ronald & Noah, New York, NY
Evan L.
Long-time client Evan has never endorsed any company but Chubb.
Evan L., Weston, CT
Carol W.
"I feel privileged to be a client of Chubb. I feel secure. I’m happy to be a member of the Chubb family."
Carol W., Chicago, IL
Marc & Deb
After Marc and Deb’s newly-built dream home flooded, Chubb was there at a moment’s notice to make them whole again.
Marc & Deb, Calgary, Alberta Canada