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Chubb’s Umbrella & Excess Casualty insurance offers mid-sized companies commercial excess and umbrella liability coverages to protect you against a broad range of critical risk exposures such as catastrophic events and reputational risk.

Coverage Highlights


Multiple Insuring Agreements Combined into One Policy

  • Excess follow form for continuity over primary insurance (Coverage A), Gap Insurance when there is no underlying insurance (Coverage B) and blended pollution (Coverage C)

Multiple Towers of Protection

  • Separate aggregate limits including Advertising Injury/Personal Injury and Products/Completed Operations. No aggregate applies if the underlying limit is unaggregated.

Expanded Definition of Personal Injury

  • Includes discrimination, harassment and segregation (where permitted by law) under Coverage B as first-dollar protection

Additional Coverage Benefits

Insurance drops down over eroded or exhausted primary limits of insurance:

The insurance will apply if primary limits are reduced by losses:

  • Happening during the term of our policy
  • Happening during the term of the primary policy, even if the term began before ours
  • Covered by the primary policy, even if not within the scope of our policy

In the case of subsequent covered losses, our policy would apply immediately excess of the eroded or exhausted primary limits


  • Up to $50MM Occurrence/Aggregate
  • Per location aggregate available

Target Client

Companies who have the following:
  • Up to $750 million in annual revenue
  • Industries that need financially sound capacity and competitive prices
  • Place value on consistent underwriting and pricing
  • Place value on expertise in claims handling based upon clear coverage forms
  • International exposures

Crisis Assistance

When the financial integrity and reputation of your company are on the line, Chubb is there for you. Chubb Crisis Assistance For Excess And Umbrella, an automatic endorsement to our Commercial Umbrella Insurance policy, provides peace of mind and flexibility when you need it most—as a crisis unfolds.

If a crisis occurs, and you reasonably expect it could impact your Chubb Commercial Umbrella Insurance policy and generate adverse regional or national media attention affecting your business, Crisis Assistance enables you to hire a pre-approved Crisis Assistance Service Provider and provides funding for related, approved expenses.

Because catastrophie planning is vital to effectivley managing your liability risks, the time to research potential Crisis Assistance Service Providers is now.* Research potential crisis assistance service providers to understand how they  may fit your company's profile and needs. If a crisis ensues, simply contact that service provider; then contact Chubb at 1.800.532.4822.

*Chubb Crisis Assistance for Excess and Umbrella is a post-crisis benefit and does not include crisis preparation costs.

Crisis Assistance Service Providers

You may select a crisis management firm, or another services provider with crisis management capabilities.

Additional Product Information