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5 ways to keep water away from your valuables

flood on the street

Even if you’re not in a flood zone, you may have to deal with extreme wet weather at some point, putting a strain on your home’s water resistance. Here are a few tips for how to keep water out of your basement or home and away from your valuables.


  1. Make sure you have a good sump pump, maintained and ready to go.

    There’s a big difference between a cheap sump pump and highly rated one with a large capacity. Making a little larger investment may mean you can spend less money in damages later.

  2. Ensure that you have a backup power supply.

    Without it, your sump pump is useless.

  3. Clean your gutters and downspouts.

    If they’re clogged, the rain may be redirected toward your home’s foundation, instead of away from the house.

  1. Consider your below-grade windows or doors.

    Is there a way you can direct water away from them? Or do you need to consider renovations, to close off those areas that might be more susceptible to floods or excess water runoff? Again, a little investment in keeping your home protected may mean that you don’t have to worry about water damage later.

  2. If water in your home is inevitable, move valuables out of the basement or at least off the basement floor.

    This will keep your replacement costs down to a minimum, if you experience a loss.