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At Chubb, we understand the challenges that complex, interconnected risks present for today’s large and multinational organizations. We’ve been providing globally coordinated, locally flexible insurance solutions for large organizations and their brokers for three decades.

Risk Engineering Services - Chubb

In Latin America, Chubb runs a widespread network of operations in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Panama and Puerto Rico.


Developed specifically for multinational risk managers, Chubb Worldview® is a Web-based desktop portal that gives you access to our systems and expertise in one easy-to-use application. It’s unique in the industry, and it’s exclusive to Chubb.

Chubb International Excess

This underwriting unit of Chubb writes Non proportional Property FAC (Excess) from the Miami Office.


Portal to serve Chubb Seguros México agents and brokers, in order to offer the best, timely and specialized service.