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We offer our policyholders a level of resources and expertise unmatched in the industry.

Assessing the Damage: Our expertise

No two claims are the same. Be it a large, complex loss or a smaller event requiring speedy resolution, technical expertise is essential. We are renowned for our technical ability and are recognised leaders in areas requiring an in-depth understanding of complex issues. And we empower our local claims teams to make key decisions, meaning quicker answers for you and a streamlined claims process.

Seamless collaboration with the right experts is key to the best and most efficient outcome of a claim. We have long-standing relationships with external advisers such as lawyers, loss adjusters and recovery specialists. These high-quality associates work as part of the claims team to the same exacting standards of service we expect of ourselves.

A Return to Normality: The settlement process

We appreciate that, for our customers, accurate management information is essential for controlling risk. We place great emphasis on recording claims information in a way that enables our customers to form an accurate picture of their losses, understand trends and plan for improvement.