Medical emergencies can be financially draining and stressful. To help you cope and manage the unexpected medical costs of an accident or illness, Crystal MediPlus is a comprehensive medical protection plan that covers you in such instances. With 6 affordable plans to choose from, there’s one for different budgets and need to help you focus on recovery.
Room and board benefits up to 120 days | |
Surgical benefits | |
Post-hospitalisation benefits | |
Outpatient kidney dialysis | |
Outpatient cancer treatment |
Hospital Benefits
Outpatient Benefits and Others
Our policy covers the following individuals:
Please refer to the policy contract for the full details of benefits, terms and exclusions that are applicable. The information provided here is a brief summary for quick and easy reference. The exact terms and conditions that apply are stated in the policy contract.
Contact us to find out how we can help you get covered against potential risks