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The stakes are high when you’re planning an event. With the scale of publicity involved from social media, TV broadcasts to marketing, your insurance needs will require broad, specialized cover like Chubb’s Event Insurance. It covers a wide range of situations including protection against event cancellation, abandonment or postponement, protection for public liability exposures and personal accident cover for volunteers, crew and the audience.

Risks & Uncertainties That Can Be Insured

Professional or amateur sporting events, music festivals, community events, awards shows, conventions, concerts and exhibitions share many of the same challenges, especially uncertainties arising from our volatile and fast paced society.

Non Appearance

Non Appearance

Due to illness, death, an accident or travel delay, the artiste is unable to perform

Terrorist attacks

Terrorist Attacks

Terrorist attacks or threats in the vicinity of the venue close to the event date

Adverse Weather

Adverse Weather

Extreme weather conditions such as wind, lightning, and rain may render a venue inaccessible or pose a threat to safety of those attending

National Catastrophes

National Catastrophes

Earthquakes, volcanic ash, typhoon, snow storm and floods may:

  • thwart travel plans of participants, speakers or performing artists;
  • cause ingress/egress difficulties; or
  • lead to venue closure
National Mourning

National Mourning

Period of national mourning following the death of a country’s leader or person of significance



Participants, spectators or audience injured as a result of an accident during the event, including food poisoning, collapsing stage or props, fire, terrorist attacks
Communicable Disease

Communicable Disease

Outbreak or threat of outbreak warranting closure of the venue by the authorities
Other Perils

Other Perils

Strikes, political violence, a government issued travel advisory or fire damage to the event venue

Coverage Highlights

What can be insured

  • Gross Revenue
    Revenue from ticket sales, participation fees, sponsorship revenue and advertising revenue
  • Costs and Expenses
    Irrecoverable costs and expenses that have been incurred
  • Additional Expenses
    Costs and expenses incurred to reduce or prevent a cancellation, interruption or postponement that appears likely to occur
  • Extra Expenses incurred if tickets need to be refunded or due to failure to vacate the venue on time
  • Public Relations Expenses
    Fees paid to a public relations firm for event branding protection consequent upon a cancellation or abandonment
  • Loss of money at the event location or while in transit to and from the bank
  • Damage to property at the event location
  • Liability
    For injury to participants, attendees, audience or other third parties, including liability for physical damage to others’ property

The Chubb Solution

  • Multi-coverage policy providing cancellation, event liability, personal accident and property insurance cover
  • Designed to respond to almost any unexpected circumstance that necessitates the cancellation, abandonment, interruption, postponement or relocation of the event
  • Flexible policy that can be tailored to the particular needs of each occasion, including cover for perils such as non-appearance, adverse weather and terrorism
  • Pays the additional expense incurred by the insured in order to prevent the cancellation, interruption or postponement of an event
  • Can be arranged by anyone with a financial interest in the event to protect against their specific loss associated with that event

Insure your event before it’s too late

Contact us to find out how we can help you get covered against uncertainties and risks