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If you are paying by automatic bank deduction (direct debit):

  • Inform your agents or our Customer Care Center on 0-2615-6868 and fill in the ‘Request for Premium Payment by Automatic Bank Deduction’ form
  • Your premium can be deducted from your account at:
    1. Bangkok Bank
    2. Kasikorn Bank
    3. Siam Commercial Bank
    4. Thai Military Bank
    5. Krung Thai Bank
    6. Thanachart Bank
  • Types of account:
    1. Savings account or
    2. Current account

Please make sure that you leave enough money in your bank account to pay your insurance premium at least two working days prior to the deduction. If your deduction date falls on a weekend or public holiday, please leave enough money at least two working days before the weekend or public holiday. Deductions will be made on the 15th and 30th day of every month. If the 15th and/or 30th day falls on a weekend or public holiday, the premium amount will be deducted from your account on the last working day before the 15th and/or 30th day of the month.